

Computer forensics as an IT asset


32 časa

Materijali sa predavanja

Sertifikat o pohađanju kursa

Zašto ovaj kurs?

Ovaj kurs uvodi polaznike u oblast računarske forenzike i upravljanja incidentima, što je trenutno značajna oblast zbog rasta broja sigurnosnih incidenata izazvanih naprednim i razvijajućim prijetnjama koje pogađaju kompanije svih veličina.  

Kurs započinje pregledom procesa upravljanja incidentima kako bi polaznici stekli razumijevanje različitih aktivnosti koje treba preduzeti radi istraživanja i rješavanja sigurnosnih incidenata. Računarska forenzika ima ključnu ulogu u ovom procesu, jer odgovorni za incidente moraju shvatiti sve korake koje su napadači preduzeli kako bi adekvatno spriječili dalje aktivnosti i eliminisali ih iz kompromitovanog IT okruženja.

Tokom kursa, polaznici će se upoznati sa osnovama računarske forenzike i standardnim alatima koji se koriste u toj oblasti. Iako je glavni fokus na istraživanju unutar korporativnog okruženja, kurs takođe obuhvata smjernice za pravilno prikupljanje i upravljanje dokazima, ukoliko oni budu potrebni u pravnim postupcima. Polaznici će naučiti o različitim tipovima skladišta i sistema datoteka, kao i tehnike za povrat podataka i obrisanih podataka na forenzički bezbjedan način.

Posebna pažnja će biti posvećena alatima za prikupljanje, izdvajanje i analizu sadržaja računarske memorije, gdje se često nalaze važni podaci poput tekstualnih lozinki, heš lozinki, dokumenata i fajlova. Takođe, kurs će pokriti teme kao što su steganografija, koja je relevantna u poslovnom okruženju zbog upotrebe u industrijskoj špijunaži, kao i mrežna i log forenzika. Analiza enkripcije podataka, poput EFS (Encrypted File System) enkripcije fajlova i BitLocker enkripcija cijelog diska, takođe će biti obuhvaćena.

Pored praktičnih laboratorijskih vježbi, polaznici će imati priliku da se suoče s forenzičkim izazovima kako bi dodatno utvrdili stečeno znanje.

Sigurnost Web Aplikacija

Kome je namijenjen ovaj kurs?

Ovaj kurs kreiran je za sve polaznike koji žele da se upoznaju sa osnovnim konceptima računarske forenzike i alatima koji se koriste za tu namjenu!

Neophodna znanja za pohađanje ovog kursa su: računarska bezbjednost, perspektiva napadača ili slično znanje, napredno poznavanje računarskih sistema i različitih vrsta operativnih sistema, poželjno je razumijevanje osnova principa, arhitekture i protokola mreža, razumijevanje osnovne upotrebe i administracije Windows i Linux operativnih sistema.

Dodatna napomena:

Ovaj kurs nije moguće pohađati online.

Plan i program kursa:

1. Incident management

Participants will learn basics of incident handling based on NIST and ENISA recommendations. Incident handling process will be reviewed through its main stages, starting with activities that can be undertaken to properly prepare for the incident handling, how to identify incidents, how to stop the bleeding (isolate compromised systems), eradicate malware if needed, returning the system back in the production and finishing the hole process with the lessons learned.

2. About computer forensics

Participants will learn basic concepts of computer forensics and the tools used for this purpose. Digital evidence and how to collect it, either for internal investigation or to be used in the legal proceedings will be covered in this module.

3. Data storage systems

In this module, data storage connector types and data storage types in general (HDD, SSD, optical media) will be reviewed.

4. File systems

Participants will learn about mostly used filesystems like FAT32, NTFS and EXT4. Data recovery will be discussed and during the hand-on exercise, participants will recover deleted data by using standard undelete methods and by using file carving methods. It is recommended to bring used USB key to the class, so that one can try to identify which of the deleted files and folders are recoverable.

5. Memory forensics

With more advanced and smarter malware, it’s becoming more and more difficult to identify how those programs infected the machine. Usually, the only trace they leave is waiting in the memory to be found. Delegates will have a chance to analyze the memory image of infected machine to answer the questions like when, how and through what infection path(s) the machine was compromised.

6. Steganography

One of the mostly used ways of hiding data from other users is steganography, process of hiding data inside another data. In this module participants will learn about different ways the steganography could be used in digital world, and how to hide the data inside another data.

7. Network logs forensics

Almost each internal forensic analysis must deal with network log analysis. One of the mostly used free network analysis tools is Wireshark. In addition to Wireshark, Network miner tool will be covered too. Each of those tools has different usage during the network forensic investigation – it will be demonstrated live during this session.

8. EFS and BitLocker

Microsoft Encrypted File System (EFS) is a building block of NTFS file system, available since Windows 2000. This is file level encryption that uses PKI architecture to be as robust and tamper resistance, as possible. During forensic analysis, experts often have to decrypt various types of files including EFS encrypted files. In this module participants will learn about EFS inner workings, PKI architecture and how to break EFS encryption. BitLocker is Windows built-in full disk encryption technology. It is safe and robust if used properly. Unfortunately, default BitLocker installations are susceptible to hacking and simple decryption, which will be demonstrated in this module.

9. Forensics challenges

In this module, participants will have the opportunity to test their skills through the forensics challenges that will help them to further strengthen the newly acquired knowledge from different fields like, steganography detection, EFS decryption, network logs analysis and various tools used during the training.

  • Polaznicima pripada sertifikat o pohađanju kursa Computer forensics as an IT asset za ostvarenih minimalno 70% prisustva od ukupnog fonda časova

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    Preferirani način praćenja kursa

    *Ukoliko nemate promo kod ostavite prazno polje.

    Cijena je bez PDV-a.

    Cilj kursa je da naučiš


    Koncepti  procesi upravljanja incidentima


    Osnovni pojmovi vezani za računarsku forenziku


    Procese i izazove forenzike računarske memorije


    Kako dešifrovati EFS enkriptovane podatke uz pristup korisničkom profilu


    Kako dešifrovati BitLocker enkriptovane diskove

    Šta dobijam?

    Pristup kursu u trajanju od 32 časa

    Materijale sa predavanja

    Sertifikat o pohađanju kursa 

    Detaljne informacije

    09:00 - 16:00
    32 časa
    LANACO Tehnološki centar
    Veljka Mlađenovića bb
    Banja Luka
    (krug Poslovne zone Incel)
    Nemogućnost praćenja online

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